Interface OsxSignOptions

See the documentation for @electron/osx-sign for details.

interface OsxSignOptions {
    identity?: string;
    identityValidation?: boolean;
    ignore?: string | string[] | ((file) => boolean);
    keychain?: string;
    optionsForFile?: ((filePath) => PerFileSignOptions);
    preAutoEntitlements?: boolean;
    preEmbedProvisioningProfile?: boolean;
    provisioningProfile?: string;
    strictVerify?: boolean;
    type?: SigningDistributionType;


identity?: string

Name of the certificate to use when signing.

Default Value

Selected with respect to SignOptions.provisioningProfile | provisioningProfile and SignOptions.platform | platform from the selected SignOptions.keychain | keychain.

  • mas will look for 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: * (*)
  • darwin will look for Developer ID Application: * (*) by default.
identityValidation?: boolean

Flag to enable/disable validation for the signing identity. If enabled, the SignOptions.identity | identity provided will be validated in the BaseSignOptions.keychain | keychain specified.

Default Value


ignore?: string | string[] | ((file) => boolean)

Defines files that will be skipped during the code signing process. This property accepts a regex, function or an array of regexes and functions. Elements of other types are treated as RegExp.

File paths matching a regex or returning a true value from a function will be ignored.

Type declaration

    • (file): boolean
    • Parameters

      • file: string

      Returns boolean

Default Value


keychain?: string

The keychain name.

Default Value


optionsForFile?: ((filePath) => PerFileSignOptions)

Function that receives the path to a file and can return the entitlements to use for that file to override the default behavior. The object this function returns can include any of the following optional keys. Any properties that are returned override the default values that @electron/osx-sign generates. Any properties not returned use the default value.

Type declaration

    • (filePath): PerFileSignOptions
    • Parameters

      • filePath: string

        Path to file

      Returns PerFileSignOptions


Override signing options

preAutoEntitlements?: boolean

Flag to enable/disable entitlements automation tasks necessary for code signing most Electron apps.

  • Adds to the entitlements file
  • Fills in the ElectronTeamID property in Info.plist with the provisioning profile's Team Identifier or by parsing the identity name.

Default Value


preEmbedProvisioningProfile?: boolean

Flag to enable/disable the embedding of a provisioning profile into the app's Contents folder. Will use the profile from OnlySignOptions.provisioningProfile if provided. Otherwise, it searches for a .provisionprofile file in the current working directory.

Default Value


provisioningProfile?: string

Path to a provisioning profile, which can be used to grant restricted entitlements to your app.

See Apple Documentation for more details.

strictVerify?: boolean

Flag to enable/disable the --strict flag when verifying the signed application bundle.

Default Value


type?: SigningDistributionType

Type of certificate to use when signing a MAS app.

Default Value
